Friday, November 21, 2008

Creating transparent buttons, panels and other control with Compact Framework and putting one into other

In WPF/Silverlight world it's very simple to make transparent controls and put anything inside anything. However, that's not the situation in WinForms, and even worth in the world of compact devices with CF. Within this worlds, there is only one way to make controls transparent - to use color masks. Today, we'll create transparent controls with Compact Framework and put it into panel, which has image background.


So let's start. First of all, we need create our own control. For this purpose, we have to inherit from Control and override couple of things. More precise: OnPaint and OnPaintBackground. We do not want to paint background for transparent control, so let's prevent it.

public class TransparentImageButton : Control

protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs e) {

       protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) {

Next, we have to get graphics, delivered by OnPain event argument and draw our image over it. However, BitBlt (which is used by core graphics system) is not very fast method, so it's better for us to draw everything first and then copy final image to the device.

Graphics gxOff;
Rectangle imgRect;
var image = (_isPressed && PressedImage != null) ? PressedImage : Image;

if (_imgOffscreen == null) {
_imgOffscreen = new Bitmap(ClientSize.Width, ClientSize.Height);

gxOff = Graphics.FromImage(_imgOffscreen);

if (image != null) {
var imageLeft = (this.Width - image.Width) / 2;
var imageTop = (this.Height - image.Height) / 2;

if (!_isPressed) imgRect = new Rectangle(imageLeft, imageTop, image.Width, image.Height);
else imgRect = new Rectangle(imageLeft + 1, imageTop + 1, image.Width, image.Height);
var imageAttr = new ImageAttributes();

To make images transparent, we have to use (as mentioned earlier) transparency color key (to tell windows what color it should not draw. We can code or provide this value to detect it by hitting any pixel on the image. Just like this:

public static Color BackgroundImageColor(this Bitmap bmp) {
           return bmp.GetPixel(0, 0);

Now we can keep working.

imageAttr.SetColorKey(image.BackgroundImageColor(), image.BackgroundImageColor());
gxOff.DrawImage(image, imgRect, 0, 0, image.Width, image.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr);
} if (_isPressed) {
var rc = this.ClientRectangle;
  gxOff.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.Black), rc);
e.Graphics.DrawImage(_imgOffscreen, 0, 0);

Also, we have to provide others with possibility to handle this even too, thus we will not forget to add base.OnPaint(e); at  the end.

Next step is to detect whether our button is clicked or not. We'll override keyboard and mouse events to detect this.

protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e) {
            _isPressed = this.Focused; this.Invalidate();

        protected override void OnKeyUp(KeyEventArgs e) {
            _isPressed = false; this.Invalidate();

        protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e) {
            _isPressed = this.Focused; this.Invalidate();

        protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e) {
            _isPressed = false; this.Invalidate();

Compile and run to see no problem, when our transparent button lies on solid color control, however, we want to put it into panel with background - just like this one. In this case, you can use real transparent PNG and GIF images, also you can replace transparent color with well known Magenta (or any other color).

public class ImagePanel : Panel {

        public Bitmap Image { get; set; }

        protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs e) {
            e.Graphics.DrawImage(Image, 0, 0);

When we'll put it onto anything, that has no background color, we'll see that our "fake transparency" disappears. Why this happen? To provide transparency Windows uses color masks, also while confederating facts, clipping algorithm within GDI is not very trustful, thus the only thing can be taken into account is color. But what to do if we have an image? We should clip it manually. We cannot just get the handle to parent device surface (see above about trustful GDI), so the only way to do it is by providing something, that we know for sure. For example interface, telling us, that parent has image, which drawn on the screen.

internal interface IHaveImage {
        Bitmap Image { get; set; }

When we know it, all we have to do is to clip the region of this image (not device context) and draw it as part of our really transparent control.

if (this.Parent is IHaveImage) {
                var par = this.Parent as IHaveImage;
                gxOff.DrawImage(par.Image.Clip(this.Bounds), 0, 0);

The implementation of Image.Clip is very straight forward.

public static Bitmap GetSS(this Graphics grx, Rectangle bounds) {
    var res = new Bitmap(bounds.Width, bounds.Height);
    var gxc = Graphics.FromImage(res);
    IntPtr hdc = grx.GetHdc();
    PlatformAPI.BitBlt(gxc.GetHdc(), 0, 0, bounds.Width, bounds.Height, hdc, bounds.Left, bounds.Top, PlatformAPI.SRCCOPY);
    return res;

public static Bitmap Clip(this Bitmap source, Rectangle bounds) {
    var grx = Graphics.FromImage(source);
    return grx.GetSS(bounds);

We done. Compiling all together will fake transparency for controls, even when it's parents background is not pained with  solid color brush.

Source code for this article

P.S. Do not even try to inherit your custom Button control from framework Button class, dev team "forgot" to expose it's event for override. So, OnPaint, OnPaintBackground, OnKeyUp, OnKeydown, OnMouseUp and OnMouseDown aside with most of other base events will not work for you, also BaseButton class has no default constructor, so the only class you can inherit from is Control.

Have a nice day and be good people.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

How to P/Invoke VarArgs (variable arguments) in C#? ... or hidden junk in CLR

Recently I wrote a cheat sheet for pinvoking in .NET. Shortly after I got a question in comments about how to deal with variable arguments, when it's more, then one parameter. Also what to do if those arguments are heterogeneous?

Let's say, that we have following method in C:

int VarSum(int nargs, ...){
    va_list argp;
    va_start( argp, nargs );
    int sum = 0;
    for( int i = 0 ; i < nargs; i++ ) {
        int arg = va_arg( argp, int );
        sum += arg;
    va_end( argp );

    return sum;

We can expose this method to C# as following:

[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute("unmanaged.dll", EntryPoint = "VarSum")]
        public static extern int VarSum(int nargs,int arg1);

[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute("unmanaged.dll", EntryPoint = "VarSum")]
        public static extern int VarSum(int nargs,int arg1,int arg2);

[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute("unmanaged.dll", EntryPoint = "VarSum")]
        public static extern int VarSum(int nargs,int arg1,int arg2,int arg3);


And it will work. However, if you'll try to expose it as int array, marshaller will fail to understand how to align things

[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute("unmanaged.dll", EntryPoint = "VarSum")]
        public static extern int VarSum(int nargs,int[] arg);

This in spite of the fact, that this method will work properly with another signature

int ArrSum(int* nargs) {
    int sum = 0;
    for( int i = 0 ; i < 2; i++ ) {
        sum += nargs[i];
    return sum;

So what to do? The official answer is - you have nothing to do, rather then override all possibilities. This is very bad and absolutely not flexible. So, there is small class in C#, named ArgIterator. This one is similar to params object[], but knows to marshal into varargs. The problem is, that you have no way to add things inside. It's "kind-of-read-only".

Let's look into reflected version of ArgIterator. We'll see there something, named __arglist and __refvalue. OMG, isn't it good old stuff similar to "__declspec(dllexport) int _stdcall" etc.? It is! But can we use it in C#? We can! Just sign your method as Cdecl and you have working signature for "..."

[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute("unmanaged.dll", EntryPoint = "VarSum",
        public static extern int VarSum(int nargs, __arglist);

Yes, looks strange, and absolutely not CLR compliant. However, this is the only way to expose varargs to CLR via P/Invoke. How to use it? Simple:

c = VarSum(2, __arglist(5, 10));

Have a nice day and be good people. Also, my question to Microsoft is why this stuff is not in MSDN and we, as developers, have no way to get rid of it.

Is not it very good practices to use non-compliant methods? Give us another way to do it!
Is not it very good practices to use variable arguments in unmanaged method signatures? So why you want dynamic types in C# 4?

Source code for this article

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Consultants for charity

As you, probably, know, I left consulting field. However, it does not mean, that I quit helping developers community with client application development. Also, every day I'm getting between 50 and 300 emails with questions (I'm trying to answer all of those) and sometimes proposals for consulting. Currently I'm refusing all those, because I do not want to engage to it. However, there are too much people, who really need professional developers help and there are very few good development consultants in our area. Thus I decided to keep consulting, but this time only for charity.

© ColorBlind photographers

How does it work?

  1. You want me to help you with your development.
  2. I have free time for it.
  3. We decide together about the fee.
  4. You get consulting and you are happy with it.
  5. I tell you what charity organization to transfer all amount, you should pay (except TBL, if there are).
  6. You transfer it.
  7. We made the world a bit better!

To clarify things:

  1. It's not charity foundation - you will transfer the money directly to organization, that need it
  2. I'm not doing it for free - I feel, that finally I'm able to do something really big for those, who need it

So, if you are one of those, who want me to consult, contact me via this form or Twitter.

If you're good consultant and want to join me, contact me via this form or Twitter and we'll make the world better together.

I still had no chance to speak with my ex-engagement manager, however I believe, that he will not have a problem with this kind of payment to me. If so (and you have open PO in Microsoft Israel with him), you'll be able to use it.

Spear the world with this news! Post in your blogs, twitters, facebook, any other community stuff or just join me :)

Monday, November 10, 2008

Auto scroll ListBox in WPF

In WinForms era it was very simple to autoscroll listbox content in order to select last or newly added item. It become a bit complicated in WPF. However, complicated does not mean impossible.


As for me, Microsoft should add this feature to base ListBox implementation as another attempt to be attractive environment for LOB application. See, for example this thread from MSDN forums. I'm really understand this guy. He do not want to implement it with a lot of code, he just want it to be included in core WPF control (but he should mark answers)

Generally, the simplest way to it is by using attached properties. So, your code will look like this

<ListBox Height="200" l:SelectorExtenders.IsAutoscroll="true" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True" Name="list"/>

But what's going on under the hoods? There it bit complicated :) First of all, we should create attached property, named IsAutoscroll

public class SelectorExtenders : DependencyObject {

        public static bool GetIsAutoscroll(DependencyObject obj) {
            return (bool)obj.GetValue(IsAutoscrollProperty);

        public static void SetIsAutoscroll(DependencyObject obj, bool value) {
            obj.SetValue(IsAutoscrollProperty, value);

        public static readonly DependencyProperty IsAutoscrollProperty =
            DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("IsAutoscroll", typeof(bool), typeof(SelectorExtenders), new UIPropertyMetadata(default(bool),OnIsAutoscrollChanged));

now handle it when you set it's value by handling new items arrivals, set current and then scroll into it

public static void OnIsAutoscrollChanged(DependencyObject s, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) {
            var val = (bool)e.NewValue;
            var lb = s as ListBox;
            var ic = lb.Items;
            var data = ic.SourceCollection as INotifyCollectionChanged;

            var autoscroller = new System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler(
                (s1, e1) => {
                    object selectedItem = default(object);
                    switch (e1.Action) {
                        case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add:
                        case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Move: selectedItem = e1.NewItems[e1.NewItems.Count - 1]; break;
                        case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove: if (ic.Count < e1.OldStartingIndex) { selectedItem = ic[e1.OldStartingIndex - 1]; } else if (ic.Count > 0) selectedItem = ic[0]; break;
                        case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset: if (ic.Count > 0) selectedItem = ic[0]; break;

                    if (selectedItem != default(object)) {

            if (val) data.CollectionChanged += autoscroller; 
            else  data.CollectionChanged -= autoscroller;


That's all. Also it can be done by visual tree querying (as thread started proposed). Find scrollviewer inside the ListBox visual tree and then invoke "ScrollToEnd" method of it.

Have a nice day and be good people. And, yes, WPF development team should consider this feature implemented internally for any Selector and ScrollViewer control

Source code for this article

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Programming for Windows 7

Well, Windows 7 is going to be released by the end of next year. This is great news, because it seemed, that Microsoft finally understand how to get the best of Windows Vista and make it to work not only on monster machines.


It even works on new brandy my wife's pinky machine. And if it works there and my wife is happy with it, this OS going to be very impressive.


But from the other hand, we, as developers should be ready today to developer Windows 7 ready application (by the way, Vista Battery Saver works for Windows 7 as well as for Windows Vista, in spite of the fact, that power management in Windows 7 was improved dramatically). So let's start!

First thing we need is to read big Windows 7 Developer Guide. This document will explain most of new features for developers to build applications right. What is includes?

Windows Driver Kit (WDK) 3.0

Basically, Windows 7 works with Vista drivers, however, hibernation, power management, networking, PREfast will work much better. You also will have new WMI access for reliability monitors and ACPI.

Management and deployment

By default Windows 7 uses PowerShell 2.0 and Windows Installer. For PowerShell it includes enhanced cmdlets to manage Active Directory, IIS, etc. For Windows Installer, you finally can build "chainers" by yourself (the same approach, used for latest deployment of Microsoft products such as Silverlight, Visual Studio 2008 SP1 etc.) Also, you can get advantage by using Windows Filtering Platform (Firewall) and User Account Control (UAC) from inside your application by using new APIs.


The most significant change in Windows 7 for end-user point of view is improved performance. Windows 7 kernel is much smaller, that kernel of Windows Vista. Also it uses specific patterns to decrease background activities on low power, based on system triggers. New user-mode and kernel-mode APIs are used by Windows Drivers Foundation much more efficiently. Also system services are much smarter. For example, DCIA starts only when you connect new hardware. After drivers were installed the service shuts down. The same approach used by domain join, GP changes, new IP fetching etc. Windows 7 knows to run and stop services, based on system events, which decreases average work load and enhances whole system performance.

Multi-touch gestures and Interia API and used interface in general

Yes, you can use this API for your applications. Finally we can have more, then just mouse. And it is not only about multiple mouse devices. We can use single finder panning, raw touch input data, internal multitouch ink recognition, which is also supports math. Also it uses build-in MathML export feature.

There are a lot of other enhancements, such as smart bars, windows' stacking, gadget desktop (it does not eat battery as external process anymore), system ribbon menu integration. etc


Direct 11, new Direct2D, DirectWrite (we can turn text anti-aliasing for small fonts, hurrah!), improved WIC, DX/GDI interoperability on system level with automatic fallback for weak hardware (yes, you should not be worry about it anymore). Also new video and audio format support with human readable interfaces. Yes, no more DirectDraw hacks. We can use new high level interfaces such as MFPlay to manage playbacks, Source Reader for decoding, Sink Writer for transcoders and re-coding compressions.

Web and communication

WCF is inside, as well as distributed routing table for peer-to-peer operations. BranchCache - new technology to reduce WAN traffic and latency.

Also Windows 7 is compatible with OpenSearch (I told, that Microsoft does not know to build search engines). Sharepoint integration and environment sensors platform, that can be used either for desktop and web applications.

There are much more features, that makes Windows 7 to pretend to be very good operation system. If you want to learn more about all those Windows 7 new features, I highly advice you to download and read this document. It includes most of new features of new OS with explanations and screenshots to make your learn and understand what can your future application do with all those new features.

Have a nice day and be good people.

BTW, if you have PDC version of Windows 7 and want to unlock it for using of some cool features, introduced during keynotes, it worth to visit here and learn how to :)

Download Windows 7 Developer Guide and start programming.