Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Dell story - part II

Today sales manager from the distributor store called me to notice, that I can come there and get my upgrade to Windows Vista, arrived from Dell. The only thing he mentioned in our conversation is fee of $45. I asked him what I'm paying for, and he told me that is's for shipping and handling. The same sentence, I found in Dell Vista Upgrade FAQ web site, but if I'll come to take it, it's seemed him, that I should not pay anything. 

A minute later, he called me back, and told, that I should pay for it anyway. After my request to explain he told me, that those $45 actually they'll pay to Microsoft and don't earn a penny for it. So he do not really know what I should pay for. 

The upgrade price for Windows Vista Home Basic is around $100, complete package costs around $200 (including shipping and handling), so the question is what's for I'm going to pay a half of regular licence price, when my system is eligible and the licence for Windows XP Pro SP2 already paid? I'll check this next Sunday.

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