Saturday, April 28, 2007

Snipping tool integration plugin for WLW

 Playing a lot with Live Writer API, I found a lot of nice features and possibilities, as well as not-so-nice problems, but one thing is really clear - writing plugins for Windows Live Writer is fun and quick work. Let's take an example of Yossi's request. It took me about a half an hour to write it, or today's plugin for snipping tool integration - 25 minutes, including installer. Don't is really nice?

OK, so, you can download it - this plugin integrates Windows Snipping Tool (Windows Vista and Windows XP tablet edition) into Live writer. All you have to do is click "Insert snip capture" from right or upper menu and the application invokes Snipping Tool. After the screenshot will be taken, the image will be inserted automatically into your current post. Then, you can manage is as regular image inside the Writer (and that's really great feature). So easy, so fast, so useful. Download and use it.


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