Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Where is Tafiti?

Want your search be cool? Let me introduce you Tafiti (Swahili) - Do research. What it good for? Let's imagine, you want to search, save your searches and then share your search results with others. You, probably, can use save search feature of Google, then save the result page url with and send it with Yahoo mail or IM it with eBuddy or Meebo. You, probably, want to blog it at Live.Spaces, Blogger, LiveJournal, FaceBook or, even, Twitter Now you have a lot of searches - how to manage them? You, probably, can "shelf" them with Yahoo Pipes or MS Popfly. Complicated enough? Not yet. What to do, if you want to add one search set to another - to get most complete results? Well, just try Tafiti.


The system built with Silverlight and Live.Search makes all those able. Search, save, share, research.


Great idea + nice user interface * most recent and full results = ideal user experience for everyday action items

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