Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Developers academy 3 - vote your choice

If you're "in" WPF and/or Silverlight development and want to learn more about high performance programming in WPF or your ability to develop once for WPF and Silverlight, you're invited to vote for my session in Dev Academy 3 and attend it:

  • High performance programming with WPF in .NET framework 3.5 SP1
    .NET 3.5 SP1 (Arrowhead) brings you full power of WPF by taking into account huge performance enhancements for Line-Of-Business by using data virtualization and high graphical applications by access to DirectX surfaces. This session will round up all new features to Arrowhead
  • Unified development experience with Windows Presentation Foundation and Silverlight 2.0
    Two years ago, Microsoft introduced Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) to provide a unified platform for Rich Windows Client Applications development. A year later Silverlight was introduced as similar platform for Rich Internet Applications. Is it possible to use XAML based approach to share and reuse code for both frameworks? In this session we will learn how to develop reusable code base for productive, usable and well branded Client and Internet applications to wider distribution, demanded today.

Also, you can advice another session, you might be interested in via comments in this post

Thank you and see you there...

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