Sunday, October 05, 2008

Silverlight Bidi Controls Library RC0 and movement from Beta 2 to RC0

Finally, I got free minute to convert Silverlight BiDi controls from Silverlight beta 2 to RC0 (you can download SL rc0 tools for VS2008 here) and as usual some breaking changes (the full list is here)

  • Calendar and DatePicker moved from System.Windows.Controls.Extended into System.Windows.Controls – Extended namespace is now deprecated.
  • CalendarButton is not inside System.Windows.Controls.Primitives
  • TypeConverter.CanConvertFrom(Type sourceType) was changed and now it has new first parameter ITypeDescriptorContext context
  • TypeConverter.CanConvertFrom(object value) was changed and now it has new first parameter ITypeDescriptorContext context and second parameter System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture
  • TypeConverter.ConvertFromString is not virtual anymore
  • TextDecorationCollectionConverter was removed
  • generic.xaml should be placed into themes directory (as in WPF)
  • VisualTransition.Duration is not VisualTransition.GeneratedDuration
  • ContentPresenter has no HorizontalContentAlignment and VerticalContentAlignment. It has HorizontalAlignment and VerticalAlignment now. Also it has no Background, Padding,TextAlignment,TextDecorations and TextWrapping properties

Those, basically, all changes done in Silverlight RTL support library. So, you can download and use the latest version within Silverlight RC0 version

Have a nice day and be good people.


  1. Great artilce about silverlight bidi controls library RC0 and movement from beta 2 to RC0. Keep blogging. Thanks.

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